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    Wednesday, 6 November 2013

    Google Will Demonstrate Glass SDK At Hackathon Later This Month

    Google Will Demonstrate Glass SDK At Hackathon Later This MonthGoogle Will Demonstrate Glass SDK At Hackathon Later This Month

    Glass Google has already attracted a small number of developers to create a limited experience of the selection of the laptop, but at the end of this month, Google will show you how to create applications designed specifically for glass with the SDK glassware as expected. The company invites developers to a two-day hackathon in San Francisco to test the new GDK and listen Google plans and the invitation says that Google will be sharing a video of the announcement after the fact.We have no more details yet, but we're definitely curious about what kind of experiences developers can build. Although Google is encouraging people to hack glass, developers may not sell what they produce. Currently, the company is accelerating the production of glass before any release introduing consumers and a new version of the headphones with the in-ear and dedicated support of corrective lenses.
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    Item Reviewed: Google Will Demonstrate Glass SDK At Hackathon Later This Month Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Muhammad Ali
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